The following paragraph really hits home, Bren:

"What right do I have to mourn someone I wasn't even invested enough in to go see ever? It’s not totally fair to me or to him but it’s how I feel, nevertheless."

I lost my best oldest friend to fentanyl nearly 2 years ago, and exp. similar feeling of compulsive guilt. Didn't talk to him enough. Could've been more supportive. Engaged him more. Idk But life has a habit of passing us by. But what you wrote was a touching tribute to your friend. Sounds like a good polish boy who will be missed. I really love the Feds' song "the distance" too. Didn't know he was in that band. My Sincere condolences. And fuck cancer too wtf xo

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I think most of us have had the feeling of mourning someone we haven’t seen in ages. I totally understand what you are saying. It’s happened to me before and I say to myself that I’m going to do better in regards to keeping up with certain people but I don’t.

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Thank you for this. I also lived with Mark many years ago and was lucky to have him as a friend. I also fell out of touch with him and only tonight just learned of his passing. It is a little hard to breathe knowing I will never laugh with him again.

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This was lovely and honest.

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Sorry to hear about your loss.

That Bollweevils cover is one of my favorites of all time.

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Sorry, Brendan. That really fucking sucks.

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